Willd Exclusive! CeCe Frey “Miss X to the O”

When you want success as bad as you want to breathe, you won’t let anything come between you and your dreams. When the second season of The X Factor USA began, one contestant stood out from the beginning. During her Kansas City, MO audition 21 year-old CeCe Frey proved that she is a force to be reckoned with. With her signature leopard print face paint and confident attitude, CeCe wowed the judges with her rendition of Christina Aguilera’sAin’t No Other Man.” They said that she was “ambitious,” “talented,” and they said that she has “The X Factor.” After weeks and weeks of intense competition, CeCe found herself in the Top 16 representing mentor Demi Lovato and the rest of the young adults on the live shows.


When the live shows began I was immediately drawn to CeCe, because she was a performer who lived on that stage. Each week she delivered a variety of performances that showed off her vocals and stage presents, and that’s one thing I loved about her. You never knew what to expect when CeCe was on stage. She was one of the contestants that you either loved or hated. After finding herself in the bottom two almost every other week, CeCe was eventually eliminated during week six of the live shows. Out of thousands that have auditioned she was Top 6! That’s pretty sweet if you ask me. Though, I wished she would have taken home the crown and that $5 Million recording contract, I know big things are ahead for CeCe.


Since The X Factor wrapped last December CeCe has been hard at work recording her own music and branding herself as an artist. She’s even done a handful of meet and greets with her fans around the Midwest and in Canada. I was lucky enough to attend a few of these meet and greets with CeCe, and I can tell you she is one of the sweetest most down to earth girls I’ve ever met. She does tell it like it is, but you can’t believe everything you’ve seen on TV. Willd Exclusive Time! I recently caught up with CeCe to discuss life before and after The X Factor, and to get the scoop on what’s in store for her and her Warriors.


WD: When did you realize you had a passion for singing?

CF: I realized I had a passion for singing when I was 5 years old. That was the age of my first public performance and I didn’t want to do anything else from then on.

WD: What influenced your decision to audition for The X Factor?

CF: I just felt like the show was tailored to not only singers, but performers equally. That’s what stars are made of, and I felt like the X Factor was tailored to the all around ARTIST, not just a voice.

WD: What was it like working with Demi Lovato and the other judges? What did they teach you that you will continue to use in your journey ahead?

CF: It was incredible working with Demi. Obviously haha. We really hit it off, and the other judges were really awesome, as well. I think the show in general just taught me that I AM a fighter. I won’t be beaten, I can’t be broken. Simple as that.

WD: What was life like before The X Factor? How have things changed since the show wrapped?

CF: Life before the X Factor was pretty quiet haha. I worked my post office job and worked on music on my days off. Used my job to fund studio time and then toured with my old band on the weekends or during the summer. Now I get to chase my dream full time. It really has opened up a lot of doors and I’m very thankful for that.

WD: You have a loyal group of fans that you’ve named your Warriors. How did you come up with that name and what do your fans mean to you?

CF:Well when the show first started everyone on twitter was like, “What are you going to call us?! We need a name!!” And I thought that was so silly because only superstars with HUGE followings name their bases haha. But then as things progressed and it kept growing, I could see that my following really wanted to feel like they were apart of something bigger. I knew that they wanted to feel like they were part of a family. And I wanted to give them that. So I asked them if they would be cool with being called the Warriors and be a part of my “Tribe”. They obviously really liked the idea and are still called that to this day. I thought the term “Warrior” really stood for the example that I am trying to set for my following. Be strong, be a fighter, stand tall for what you believe in, even if it means you stand alone. I hope they continue to remember what being a Warrior really means.

WD: We’ve heard you sing songs by Katy Perry, Lady GaGa, Christina Aguilera, Celine Dion, etc. What will your upcoming original music sound like?

CF: It will sound like me. And that is something that NO ONE has heard yet.

WD: If you could collaborate with any other artist who would it be and why?

CF: Demi, because she’s my girl. Duh.

WD: We’ve all see you in front of the camera. Who is CeCe behind the scenes?

CF: That’s a hard question to answer. I definitely have an alter ego that comes out when I’m performing. And performing isn’t always “on stage”. If you catch my drift. All I can say is that when I meet my Warriors face to face, I let them see the real me. I open my heart and soul to them because we’re all just people, trying to find our place in the world. I have cried with my Warriors and I have laughed with them. That’s why I love doing meet and greets. Its that pure human connection that really matters.

WD: What’s next for you? Any upcoming projects you’d like to share?

CF: I’m always working. I plan to do a lot of touring this summer, its all in the works. And I’m in the studio as much as I can to put out my first record. A lot of exciting stuff on the way, I can assure you. =)

WD:Do you have any words for your Warriors out there?

CF: Stay strong, and stay patient, guys. I love you to death, and I promise, if you are good, then good will come to you. Be good 😉 Keep that head up, and heart full.


For all things CeCe visit www.cecemusic.com & be sure to follow her on Twitter!

Get Willd. Stay Willd.

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9 Responses to Willd Exclusive! CeCe Frey “Miss X to the O”

  1. Gina D says:

    hat an awesome interview. I also had the pleasure meeting CeCe on April 20, 2013 at Crown Toyota. She was THE most genuinely loving, open human being I have ever met. I am 46 years old and I am so proud to be her Warrior! God bless CeCe Frey, she WILL change the world.

  2. Adriana says:

    Love Cece!!

  3. CeCeMyDiva says:

    DeCe ❤

  4. Pingback: Entrevista para a Willd « CeCe Frey Brasil – Sua primeira e melhor fonte da CeCe Frey no Brasil!

  5. Holla says:

    “I plan to do a lot of touring this summer” -CeCe ….. Can’t wait to crash a show!

  6. Jamica I. Semira says:

    I really really LOVE CECE FREY! I LOVE HER TO DEATH and I Will continue to support her! I HOPE she will come to the Philippines! ❤ 😉

    • Gina D says:

      Dont forget to join CeCeMusic.com and get an automatic note straight from CeCe! She has new music coming! She is very active on her Twitter page @CeCeMissXtotheO, and is beginning to tour and do Meet and Greets. I met her, she is a very loving and caring person. She loves her Warriors! Join her Tribe if you haven’t already!

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